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Innovation and service

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Anhui Sunmine Equipment Co., Ltd. adheres to the "heart-to-heart" service concept and implements the principle of "focus on customers" and systematically establishes a pre-sale, sale and after-sales service system. On the basis of the existing sales service network, we add information management technology to improve customer connections and relationships.With implement continuous tracking service for customers, collecting market information in time, accurately grasping customer needs, we provide personalized services to customers in all aspects.

We have created and realized the “Customer Center Theory” of Sunmine Equipment with sincere service belief. Customer satisfaction is our most precious goal. Anhui sunmine Equipment Co., Ltd. has a complete sales system throughout the country and in many region overseas,which will benefit our customers in all possible ways.

2018Copyright.©Huic mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd. 皖ICP备07500177号


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